Liturgical Ministries
Art and Environment
This group is responsible for the overall decorating of the church. Participants may help plan, prepare the decorations, or assist in physically decorating the church for one or more liturgical seasons. Volunteers may choose to assist as often as fits their schedule.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers, or extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. As ministers of Holy Communion, one is also called to be especially observant of Jesus' command to love one's neighbor in day to day living. Those who serve in this ministry need to be fully initiated members of the Church; that is, they must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
This ministry offers the opportunity to assist the ushers in greeting parishioners and guests who come to worship. Greeters are the ambassadors of our community, since they are the first impression people receive when they arrive. the ability to interact with people in a friendly and helpful way is a key quality for this ministry. Greeters are asked to arrive at least 15-20 minutes before liturgy begins in order to greet people as they arrive and hand out Orders of Worship. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to participate.
The proclamation of the word of God at Mass is central to our celebration. When the Scriptures are proclaimed in church, God speaks to god's people. Those who serve as lectors must be clear, understandable and knowledgeable about the scripture being proclaimed. Lectors are people who have a love for scripture.
Music Minister
"God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises." - Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, paragraph 1
Music ministry is an important part of the Liturgical life of our parish. Just as Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations rightly demanded by the very nature of liturgy, it is also calls on individuals to participate in music ministry so that these celebrations may be enhanced.
- Choir Member - A number of opportunities are available for those who would like to sing in a choir. Weekly rehearsals, September - May. The choir sings at one weekend Mass and Holy Days during the year.
- Cantors - Cantors are experienced singers who enjoy leading the congregation in sung prayer. Note reading is a plus. Cantors rehearse before their weekend Mass.
- Instrumentalists - We welcome a wide variety of instruments, including piano, organ, guitar, bass, percussion, brass, woodwind and string instruments.
Sacristans may help with the preparations before Mass. These tasks may include making sure the bread and wine are prepared and on the gift table, preparing the chalice, plates and cups for distribution, etc. They also may assist the Eucharistic Ministers with washing the vessels after Mass. Sacristans are needed for weekday and weekend Masses.
Sacristans are also needed to help with laundry. Washing, ironing and folding the corporal and purficators.
Servers assist the priest during Mass and help in the preparations before Mass. Servers may be called upon to carry the processional cross, candles, incense and the censer. Servers will hold the book for the priest during prayer. A good server knows the flow and movement of the liturgy and fully participates by praying and singing. This is a ministry that is open to children beginning in 4th grade, teens and adults.
Ushers, or Ministers of Hospitality, have a special role of welcoming those who enter the church. They enhance our worship by welcoming people, seating them, taking up the collection, distributing the bulletins and straightening the church after Mass.
Ministers of Hospitality, like other liturgical ministers, are first and foremost members of the worshiping Assembly. As such, they should join in the act of worship in the same manner as the Assembly. Even while performing specific tasks, (e.g., taking up the offering), they remain united to the Assembly, singing and praying in an active way. Never should their role separate them from the rest of the Assembly. They are to be present and attentive during the entire liturgy.